Useful Links
On this page you will find links to websites with various information on Grenoble in general, social life in Grenoble, transportation systems in Grenoble and France, and various embassies in France.
Organize your trip to Grenoble with the tourist office! Lodging, visits, events and much, much more!
City of Grenoble official website for local news, agenda, administrative procedures and services.
Lists the ski stations in the Grenoble area.
A website that helps you calculate the general cost of living here in Grenoble or anywhere else in the world.
Social clubs and associations in Grenoble
Join the biggest English-speaking community in Grenoble to help you and your family's integration smoother, and to make friends faster!
An association that helps foreigners and French people to mix together and to discover Grenoble and its surrounding areas in a friendly way.
A national organisation that has a large group in Grenoble. It helps new people to Grenoble meet and share cultural excursions together.
France Etats Unis is an apolitical, private and independent French association that helps to contribute in making the two cultures better acquainted especially between French and American citizens living in the Lyon and Grenoble area.
Local Transport
Local transport company for Trams and Buses. Here you can get all the latest updates, prices and itineraries.
Official city bike website.
National Transport
Official French train services website.
Travel in France and around Europe in comfort by coach with BlaBlaBus and by car sharing too.
Low cost bus travel. 200.000 daily connections to around 1.400 destinations in over 26 different European countries.
Airports Authority's list with links to airports in France.
Trainline is Europe’s leading train and coach app. They work with 270 rail and coach companies and offer travel to thousands of destinations in and across 45 countries in Europe. They bring together all rail, coach and other travel services into one simple experience so people can get the best prices and smart, real-time travel info on the go.
France Info in general
Un-biased and in depth answers on how to work, live and play in France.
News and information for expats living in or moving to France.
Cultural events in France.